NEW YEAR'S Eve Party 31.12.21
As a result of Omicron numbers rising steeply, we decided to hold a Zoom party for New Year's Eve. Although we are still running classes, we feel that we are able to space people out, ventilate etc., at a class, but shouldn't risk the closeness of socialising whilst numbers are so high at a much more casual party setting, especially given our age and risk demographic.
It was strange being back on Zoom, but we managed some dancing, a general knowledge quiz and to be able to wish each other a Happy New Year. The £3 cost of the zoom party is being donated to our 2022 fundraiser - purchasing a defibrillator for the club and social dance use.
Christmas Party 11.12.21
We managed to hold our Christmas Party in spite of worries about the new Covid variant: taking lateral flow tests, keeping numbers down, temperatures etc.
We had a Christmas supper, a quiz to pick out the true facts about ourselves amongst several possibilities, a raffle and plenty of dancing.
Thanks go to Margaret for doing the raffle. We raised £98 for our charity box.
During the evening, Fred picked out the new fund raising nomination: it was Janice's choice (along with several others) to purchase a defibrillator for Mulepackers' own use.
Thanks too to the team of those who rallied round to clear up the dishes after the meal and to leave the hall so tidy. The hall caretaker rang the next morning to thank us for leaving the hall so clean and tidy.
Below is a compilation of film clips of the party, followed by a few gallery photos.
Thanks again. Mike & Mel