If you are interested in joining us, please phone so we can have a chat first.
Thank you. 07946 733605
Classes and Clubs currently running:
Scroll down for all details
Beginners wishing to Learn: * We run absolute beginners' classes at Laverstock from time to time, so please contact us if you are interested in learning.
Laverstock Village Hall, Park Road, Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1RQ
1.30 - 2.30 Beginners/Improvers and Refreshers Line Dancing
2.45 - 3.45 Higher Improvers/Intermediate Line Dancing
New venue starting 19th November 2024 (in the place of the previous West Grimstead)
Harnham Parish Hall (St. George's), Lower Street, Harnham SP2 8EY
6.30 - 7.30 pm Beginners/Early Improvers
7.30 - 8.30 pm High Improvers/Intermediate Line Dancing
Laverstock Village Hall, Park Road, Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1RQ
7.30 to 8.30 Mixed Level Line dancing
8.45 to 9.45 Western Partner Dancing
Laverstock Village Hall, Park Road, Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1RQ
8.45 to 9.45 pm Western Partner Dancing